
1980's-Reagan Years

This is a photo from Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address. It is captured as part of a collection in the Reagan Presidential Online Library at the University of Texas.

From the Time Ronald Reagan took office he had a way of capturing the people's attention even without them knowing it. His term in office was one of the longest since the Late and Great Dwight D. Eisenhower. It is chosen as one of the most important events of history and this collection because of the significance the Reagan era played in the common themes of the past. The Cold War, Reagan's domestic policies towards welfare and his subsequent Iran-Contra scandal left the country with mixed emotions and a whole new set of problems. These problems have driven much of what is wrong with the current situations of our country including the economic crisis and the huge rich poor gap. But, no matter the impacts today have been there is little doubt that Reagan and his administration left an indelible image upon the U.S. and it history.

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