

This blog was made as part of a project for my American History 300 class on the United States from 1945-present. Our assignment was to chose the five most defining turning points in American history since 1945. I chose the categories for this project with careful consideration of their interconnectedness. I believe that the five categories chosen are first and foremost built off of each other and tell their own story individually and as a whole. I have included captions and a paragraph detailing most of the background and significance of each event. The five categories appear in reverse order as a walk backward or forward in time. That way the observer can move backwards over the cause of the event that they have just seen. This will help to understand the causality of the previous event.

The five exhibits are titled:
-September 11th, 2001
-Technological Revolution
-The waning days of WWII

The topics were chosen to provide a good understanding of what I believe the major issues of the time period from 1945-present entail. Looking at these specific documents and photos shows how the world is in a causal loop in which each historic event effects the one that follows it. The connection from the WWII exhibit to the September 11th, exhibit is clearly shown because of these cause and effect relationships. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the journey as you read along and undersatnd that it is an intellectual journey through time. By trying to understand the primary sources and the events surrounding them a person should be able to create and interpret the story through the eyes of the curator.

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